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What does it mean to become a Covenant Partner?

Hope Church Asheville is mobilized by covenant partners. Without each partner’s contribution, the church cannot operate at full effectiveness. Fulfilling the mission of the gospel in our communities, the work of the gospel in our neighborhoods, and serving one another in a way that honors God becomes impossible without the dedication of covenant partners.

Covenant Partners are those who have placed their faith in the finished work of Christ, and have obediently surrendered to Christ’s command to be baptized.

Covenant Partners also commit to promote and serve the cause of Christ in the church. They are devoted to their church and work to ensure its health and wellbeing.

Covenant partners individually reveal their love for the church by giving their time, talent and treasure to help fulfill the mission of their church.

At Hope Church Asheville we avoid the term member and refer to those who are committed to our ministry as covenant partners. But why is membership referred to as Covenant Partnership?

Member implies privilege and entitlement
Member implies exclusivity and elitism
Partner implies common mission and effort
Partner implies belonging and commitment

At Hope Church Asheville ministry is carried out because of Covenant Partners who willingly labor in the Lord.
(Matthew 22:36-40, Galatians 6:10, 1 Peter 4:10-11)

Why should you become a Covenant Partner?

  • Covenant Partnership acknowledges your belief in the ministry of Hope Church Asheville that includes agreement with our doctrinal statement, vision and mission.
  • Covenant Partnership takes you from being a spectator to a participator. We give together, we serve together and we celebrate together.
  • Covenant Partnership places you under the care and leadership of our Elders who guide you in God’s Word and pledge to guard the well being of those who make up the family of Hope Church Asheville.
  • Covenant Partnership calls you to make a commitment. It also provides a healthy level of accountability and opportunity.
  • Covenant Partnership allows the leadership of our local church to identify those who are serious about our mission and vision.
  • Covenant Partnership allows you to be obedient to the Word of God by partnering with a local church body.

How can one become a Covenant Partner?

  • Complete The Family Room class
This class is offered multiple times throughout the year
  • Salvation
Affirm that you are a follower of Jesus Christ
  • Baptism
Commit to baptism, if you haven’t previously been baptized
  • By-Laws
Agree with our statement of basic belief and by-laws
  • Commitment
Sign our partnership covenant

Register for the next Family Room!